Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
As a Parish, Holy Family is committed to remaining in the presence of Our Eucharistic Lord at all times. Members of the parish sign up to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour a week. Those who have made these hourly commitments make it possible for the chapel to remain open at all times for all visitors. Since it began, this powerful form of prayer has changed many lives and has greatly enriched Holy Family Parish. The chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact Bill & Mary Ann Kolosi at 330 678-8335.
The mission of this group is to support and pray for vocations to the religious life, the diaconate, and the priesthood. On the first Saturday of each month, the group meets for Avila rosary at 7:30 am, attends the 8:00 am Mass, and offers Avila prayers one half hour after Mass. This also fulfills the First Saturday devotion. This group is associated with the Cleveland Diocesan Avilas.
Contact Carolyn & Dick Baird at 330-688-5666.
Bereavement Ministry
Funeral Greeters have an essential role in the funeral liturgies at Holy Family. They help make all who attend the funeral feel welcome and “at home” by:
- Ushering the assembly for Communion.
- Assisting at Communion by being Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
- Greeting all at the doors of the church when they arrive.
- Helping the family with particulars of the Mass.
- Assisting with the Offertory Procession.
- Assisting the funeral home staff.
- Participating in the annual Mass of Remembrance on November 2nd.
For training contact Sandy Michaels at 330-688-6412 ext. 250 or at
For scheduling contact Karen Monbeck at
Beyond Just Faith
Beyond Just Faith is a ten month adult spiritual formation process centered on Catholic social teachings. The process involves weekly meetings starting in September, reading, watching videos, hands-on experiences in the community, two retreats, prayer, and discussion. Additionally, Beyond Just Faith works to encourage works of social justice in our community and beyond.
Contact Judy Dinardo at 330-688-1767.
Boy Scouts & Venturing Crew
Participate in healthy youth activities that promote leadership, physical and emotional well being, learning, achievement, a love for the outdoors, and friendship in a Christian environment. The Boy Scout Troop 177 is for ages 11-18. The Venturing Crew is a high adventure co-ed program for young men and women ages 14-21.
For Boy Scouts contact Shaun Grayson at 330-622-8492.
For Venturing Crew contact Tom Hutchins at 330-923-2636..
Christ’s Crafters
Christ Crafters is a stewardship ministry that knits and crochets baptismal bibs, prayer shawls and lap robes. Christ Crafters is open to all parishioners. Currently, Christ Crafters work in the comfort of their own homes.
Contact Barbie Byrne at 330-688-6412 ext. 272 or at
Coffee & Donuts
All are invited to the Lower Church Hall after the Sunday 9:00 am Mass (except in the summer months) to share in coffee, donuts and fellowship in order to build community. Responsibility is shared by volunteer families and is funded by donations.
Cub Scouts
Through participation in den meetings and outings, children build crafts, earn advancement, and learn to do their best. Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting: citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Cub Scout Pack 3177 is for boys and girls in grades K-3. Webelows is for grades 4-5.
Contact Tom Brownridge, Cubmaster, at 330-968-4731.
Contact Jason Ehrhardt, Committee Chair, at 330-929-2144.
Culture of Life
The Culture of Life Group is dedicated to defending the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death. The group plans events to help foster a pro-life awareness in the parish. Check the bulletin for a schedule of meetings and activities.
Contact Patrick Rynd
Funeral Meals
Is COMPASSION a gift YOU possess? Use that gift in the FUNERAL MEAL MINISTRY!
There are two ways to be involved. First, we need a few people to engage in the ministry of hospitality for each funeral lunch. The hospitality ministry involves putting tablecloths on tables, starting the coffee, putting desserts on platters, greeting families as they arrive for lunch, offering compassionate hospitality during lunch and clean up after the lunch. Lunches are catered so there is no cooking involved and minimal clean up. Second, we need baked goods – 2 dozen cookies, brownies, cupcakes etc.
Contact Barbie Byrne, Pastoral Associate, at (330) 688-6412 ext. 272 or
Garden Club
Every spring the Garden Club meets to plan the beautification of the grounds for the coming growing season. All are welcome to “adopt a spot” and share their green thumbs with fellow parishioners.Contact Fr. Rosing at 330-688-6412 ext. 215 or at
Girl Scouts
Fun activities and service projects help girls learn about themselves and others while developing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Daisies is for kindergarten and 1st grade; Brownies for grades 2-3; Junior Scouts for grades 4-6; Cadettes for grades 7-9; Seniors for grades 9-12.
Contact Ana Burns.
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree project helps participants arrive at a better understanding of the true meaning of Christmas. Families in need and parishioners designate items that are needed. Parishioners purchase the needed items on the gift tags and return the wrapped gifts to the Church.
Contact Ellie Styles at 330-688-6412 ext. 298.
Healing Prayer Group
Available to pray with those who are seeking physical healing. Sessions are on the second weekend of the month after Saturday 5:00 pm Mass and after Sunday 9:00 am Mass in the small chapel, in the back the church. We also hold training sessions for those who want to learn how to pray with others. Sessions are on Mondays 10:00 am-12:00 pm and 6:30-8:30 pm in the small chapel in they back of the church at Holy Family.
Contact Mary Cusack at 330-687-8843 or Kathy Fogle at 330-802-1337.
Honduras Medical Mission
Each January, Holy Family Parish sponsors a Medical Mission to Honduras. Doctors, dentists, eye doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others with a missionary spirit are needed to provide basic healthcare to the poorest of the poor in rural and mountain villages in Honduras.
Contact Dan Krinsky at 330-715-4689 or
Hosanna People
Hosanna People are parishioners committed to one another in the Lord and family renewal in the Catholic faith. This group of adults meets for prayer, praise, intercession, and spiritual growth studies three times per month; on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays.
Contact Jerry Miller at 330-608-7300.
Hunger Fund & Food Collection
A food collection at the Masses on the 3rd weekend of each month provides food for the hungry of our community. Distribution is accomplished through Good Neighbors of Cuyahoga Falls.
Contact Debra Radecky at 330-608-7300
Knights Of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization committed to unity with the Church, charity to those in need, and fraternity with fellow brother Knights. The Fr. Maruskin Council #10396 promotes fellowship through dozens of activities and special events throughout the year, many of which raise funds for our parish, school and various charities. Council meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is committed to daily devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Members visit those who are sick, homebound or in nursing homes. They also coordinate the Holy Family Parish Prayer Line. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Room 6 of the Lower Church Hall.
Contact Dick and Carolyn Baird at 330-688-5666.
Mary's Threads
Mary's Threads sewing ministry sews toddler outfits and maternity clothing for the Community Pregnancy Center in Barberton. Fabric, patterns, and machines are available. The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month in the lower church hall from 6:30-9:00 p.m. all year long. Come join us to sew or pick up fabric to sew at home. Teens are welcome to participate in this ministry.
Contact Kathy Fogle at 330-688-0204 or at
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Holy Family’s Ministry to the sick and homebound provides a spiritual and sacramental lifeline to community members who cannot attend Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion make weekly visits to the sick, homebound, nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Contact Barbie Byrne at 330-688-6412 ext. 272 or at
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
NFP is true family planning. NFP promotes openness to the transmission of human life and recognizes the value of children. NFP is not calendar rhythm. Classes are offered throughout the year.
Contact Leo & Toni Doty at 330-689-0632 or at
Parish Finance Council
The parish finance council is an advisory body to the pastor. The mission of the parish finance council is to review and analyze the financial activities of the parish, monitor compliance with the annual parish budget, review quarterly financial reports, and review the financial impact of the mission and ministry of the parish as established by the pastor – after consultation with the Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils. Finance Council Members: Richard Bedell, Phil Cajka, Dan Cunningham, Judy DiNardo, Mark DuHamel, Rome Fiedler, John LaGuardia, John Long, Rob Mead, Steve Mosholder, Mary Pat Myers, Pat Papes, Doug Wells
Contact Fr. Rosing at 330-688-6412 ext. 215 or at
Parish Nurse Ministry
The mission of the Holy Family Parish Nurse Ministry is to promote and help maintain the physical, emotional and spiritual health of the parish community. The Ministry is made up of health promoters dedicated to using their gifts of knowledge, faith and compassion to share the abundant life offered by Jesus. Free blood pressure screenings the first weekend of each month as well as other educational programs throughout the year are offered.
Contact Alice Bedell or Carolyn Baird.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is an advisory group for the pastor. It seeks to foster parish unity, assess parish needs, develop parish programs, coordinate parish activities, encourage parish participation in spiritual and apostolic life, and provide a forum for parish dialogue. Pastoral Council Members: Chris Bernardo, Dave Charboneau, Faith Cook, Julie Dorff, Rosemary Floccari, Karen Franks, John Gosky, Bill Hauck, Dr. Mark Iati, Marti Kaiser, Sally Scala, Paul Volpe, Steve Wiegand, Ron Zagata, Fr. Paul J. Rosing.
Contact Fr. Rosing at 330-688-6412 ext. 215 or
Prayer Line
Parishioners phone or write the parish office to request prayers for special needs and burdens. The prayer line requests are given to people of the parish who pray for those needs or burdens.
Contact Dolores and Bernard Bezilla
Home- 330-688-3391
Cell- 330-603-6332
St. Bernard’s Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen works to provide for those in our community who are in need. Volunteers cook and serve the meal and provide fellowship to those who are hungry. Clothing collection occurs from October through February.
Contact the Doris Deleandro at 330-310-9962
St. Joseph the Worker Society
The St. Joseph the Worker Society is composed of parishioners who share their time, talents and/or resources to help keep our family house – our church-- looking its best. Parishioners clean and take care of general handyman tasks in order to maintain our church facilities.
Contact the Rectory Office at 330-688-6412 ext. 210.
St. Vincent DePaul Society
The Saint Vincent DePaul Society works to assist financial or emergency needs which persons or families in the community may experience. Funds for continuing the Society’s charitable work are provided by Holy Family Parishioners using monthly collection envelopes.
Contact Terry Bedell at 330-688-6412 ext. 299.
Serra Club
The Serra Club works to promote and encourage religious vocations to the Church.
Contact Vic Dandrea at 330-928-1576
Sponsor Couples (Marriage Preparation)
As part of the preparation before celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage, engaged couples attend pre-marital preparation with one of the parish priests or deacon. In addition to these meetings, an integral part of this preparation process involves married couples, who are parishioners, and are willing to assist the priest or deacon in preparing engaged couples through the Sponsor Couple process. These meetings occur after preparation has begun with a priest or deacon, usually 4-5 times, and are scheduled based upon the engaged couple’s schedule and the sponsor couple’s schedule.
Contact Don & Mary Ellen Dages at
Vocation Committee
Formed in February 2007, this Committee seeks, through prayer and education, to assist the parish in learning more about our God-given vocation, so that we may inspire by prayer and example. We encourage others to recognize the importance of their God-given vocation, and that of their families and friends. We are committed to encouraging others to choose the way of life…marriage, single life, vowed religious life, ordained priesthood, or diaconate…where Jesus wants them to be a more visible reflection of Himself to others.
Contact Vic Dandrea at 330-928-1576.
Women Today
Women Today is a ministry for the women of Holy Family Parish. The group meets monthly for prayer and education. Programs offer various topics and activities geared toward the interests and concerns of today’s women.
Contact Kim Muzic.
Young Adult Group
Contact Abby Gresser at 330-688-6412 ext. 271 or at