Do Right, Love Goodness, Walk Humbly with Your God. - Micah 6:8






Youth Confirmation

Confirmation is one of the sacraments of initiation and the beginning of a new chapter in your journey as a follower of Jesus Christ. Recall the apostles, who, after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, were empowered to be Christ’s witnesses “in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The same outpouring of the Holy Spirit awaits you! What exactly will the Holy Spirit do for you, a baptized Christian, through the sacrament of Confirmation? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Confirmation will

  • Increase and deepen the grace you received at your Baptism.
  • Root you more deeply as a son or daughter of God the Father.
  • Unite you more firmly to Christ.
  • Increase the gifts of the Holy Spirit in you.
  • Strengthen your bond with the Church.

Any high school student who has been baptized and who has completed religious instruction for grades K-8 may sign up to prepare for Confirmation.

Youth Confirmation Coordinators:

  • Mrs. Meghan Kiel,
  • Mrs. Kathleen Ott,
  • Mrs. Kathy Chadsey, Secretary,


Register for Confirmation 2025

Parent Essay (Please fill this out with registration)

Student Essay (Please fill this out with registration)

Sponsor Form (Confirmation 2024)


Make Me Bigger!


Adult Confirmation

If you are a baptized Catholic adult who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation as a youth, please contact a priest.