The ministry of the Cantor is to lead the congressional singing during the Liturgy and to sing the Psalm verses as well as the Gospel Acclamation verse. Cantors are also expected to be at Mass early enough to go over the Psalm with the director, as well as any other music that may need attention. Extra help is gladly provided by the music director when necessary. A cantor should have a pleasing voice, be able to somewhat read music, and have the confidence to sing solo and lead congregational singing.
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org
Adult Choir
Rehearsals are every Wednesday night from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. The regular season is from mid-September through approximately the end of May. To join, one should have a desire to sing and the ability to carry a tune. Ability to read music is helpful, but not necessary. Regular attendance at rehearsals and Masses is expected.
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org
Funeral Choir
The Funeral Choir sings at parish funerals. A phone chain is in place, and calls are made usually two days before each funeral. The choir gathers one half hour before each funeral to practice the designated music. There are no separate scheduled rehearsals. Funerals are usually at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m., though there are exceptions.
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org
Additional instrumentalists are used for weekend liturgies, as well as special Masses. Ability to play in an ensemble situation is necessary, and attendance at rehearsals for the designated celebrations is required.
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org
Bell Choir
Rehearsals are every Thursday evening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. The Bell Choir plays occasionally for weekend liturgies, as well as special Masses. Previous experience and ability to read music is helpful but not necessary.
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir meets in the fall to practice for Christmas Eve and also meets in the early spring to practice for Easter. Watch the bulletin for announcements… or don’t hesitate to contact Reba!
Contact: Reba Dallas at (330) 688-6412, x250; dallas@holyfamilystow.org